Molokai Airport (MKK) Repave Runway 17-35
Hawaii Department of Transportation – Airports Division
This project includes mill and overlay of Runway 17-35 and improvement of existing airfield pavements to establish a new Taxiway D and GA Apron area. Orion performed FAARFIELD pavement design and QA/QC for the runway rehabilitation portion of the project. Orion was responsible for the complete design of Taxiway D and the new GA Apron.
- Geotechnical Investigations
- Topographic Survey
- Pavement Design
- New AC Pavement
- Taxiway & Apron Pavement Design
- Grading & Drainage
- Geometry Design
- Storm Drainage
- Airfield Lighting
- FAA Advisory Circular Compliance
- Stakeholder Outreach & Coordination
- Construction Safety & Phasing
- Safety Risk Assessment